About aluminium and antiperspirants: should you buy antiperspirant without aluminium?
Hi! Since a couple of years I have been bending over backwards to buy deodorant without aluminium salts, since I read everywhere that aluminium is harmful to among others, your liver, kidney and lungs. Avoiding aluminium salts in deodorants and antiperspirant is not easy here in Sweden as all deodorants generally have aluminium chlorohydrate or another aluminium salt, so I generally buy them on my yearly trips back home to Curacao. There are many brands that offer aluminium-free deodorants ; I use Arm & Hammer Sanex, and Nivea fresh & pure . Maybe slightly superfluous to say that I do sweat more. I like the Arm & Hammer most, but I have found that it works better if I vary the deo and not use the same brand all the time. I have also tried a crystal rock deodorant but it wasn't the best thing for me. Now I decided to do some serious research and see for myself. What exactly does aluminium do? Well, for one thing, it is a known neurotoxin, meaning it attacks yo...