I have a cure for exfoliative cheilitis (chronic peeling and cracking of the lips)
HI! I have written several posts about exfoliative cheilitis, which is chronical cracking and peeling of the lips. I don't know if everyone who has it also has a feeling that the inside of your mouth is burned, but I had that. Very annoying not in the least because food and drink do not taste good. That has also gone away. I used a medicine called Andolex to anesthesize it, but I don't have to use that anymore. Although I have found a cure that keeps it under control, so that people do not notice it, it has not gone away forever; I need to apply salve regularly to keep my lips moist and I have to use my cure regularly. At times I have forgotten it for up to a week without a problem; other times I start getting peeling lips within 24 hours if I don't apply the liquid. I tried at least 30 different medicines and treatments, including doing nothing (did not work!), vitamins and special diets. Nothing worked and some even worsened the problem, for instance that the sk...