15-min fitness training program week 4 day 2: compound exercises


Today I had no new exercises and so this program is just a selection of exercises that we have done before. Not so much fun, but I have two new programs coming up: one with chair exercises and one with towel exercises. I have also decided to stop after this week is out. I am having a hard time coming up with new exercises that are really challenging, so I am going to print out all the exercises I have and glue them to cards. Then I will just randomly pick out a number of cards every day. 

However I will still blog about other health/fitness/wellness-related issues and maybe now and then when I have found some really interesting new exercises I'll come up with those.

Today's equipment: ankle and wrist weightsyoga mattowel, and extra weights 3 kg each. Of course you can use heavier weights, or lighter ones if needed. Or no weights at all, it's up to you. But do challenge yourself to take as heavy weights as you can handle. If you can't manage 30 reps you are doing just fine: it means you are taxing your body to the max, and that is the intention! We want you out of your comfort zone! You should be saying to yourself:"Man, this is difficult!" If my exercises are too easy, just add weight and see if it gets you somewhere. If they are too heavy, ease down on the weight or on the reps. Ideally, you should be panting after every exercise. (I go out from a healthy individual like me who needs normal exercise. If you have a heart condition or any other condition however you should consult with your physician before doing any exercise (program). 

1. Sideways plank on your knee with overhead lift and leg lift:
Make a sideways plank by leaning on your left elbow and left knee. Bring the extra weight over your head, extend the arm as far as it goes, and at the same time lift your leg up as high as it will go. This is less challenging than balancing on the outside of your foot as in a real plank, but it is still a good exercise. Do 20 reps on each side.

2. Tricky cat with weights:
Stand on your knees and hands. Have the extra weights at hand. Pick up a weight with your right hand and extend the arm at shoulder height while at the same time extending the left leg out at a 90 degree angle. Come back to starting position and do the same on the other side, so with the left arm and right leg. Mind your balance; it is way easier if you tighten your abdominals.

3. Situps with torso twist:
Lie on your back with the extra weights in hand. Bring up your upper body and twist your torso to the right. Lie down again, resisting so you engage your abdominals to the max, and get up again twisting your torso to the left. Do 30 reps. This targets the oblique abdominals as well as the main abdominals.

4. One-legged squat with a biceps curl:
Stand up straight. Put your left foot out in front keeping the leg straight while bending your right leg into a one-leg squat. At the same time, bring up the extra weights in your hands to chest height. Alternate legs. 30 reps.

5. Plank with a triceps curl:
Lie facedown on the floor. Make a plank by supporting yourself on your toes (as in a pushup) and your elbows. Now take the extra weight in your right hand, extend your arm out behind you until it is straight at approximately shoulder height (keeping your body in the plank position) or higher. Keeping the upper arm in the same position, bending at the elbow, bring in the weights and back out again. 20 reps on either side if you can manage. (I am not showing good form in the picture, the body should be as straight as a plank.) 

6. Hunter's sit with lateral side lifts:
This is a tough one. At least I think so. Find a convenient wall to stand against. Sit down with your back against the wall while your knees are bent at a 90 degree angle, supporting yourself with your leg muscles. Now take the weights on both sides up to shoulder height at the sides with straight or semi-straight arms. Do 15 reps, take a breather, and 15 again.

7. Pick-ups with full lift:
Pfft. After the other ones this one is super-easy, although it will boost up your heart rate. Stand up. Put the weights on the ground between your feet. Pick them up and bring them up all the way to the ceiling. Repeat. I did 50 reps just because it felt so easy compared to the other exercises.

It's stretching time!! Remember the quad stretch; hunter's sit really targets them. And don't forget to stretch the arms.


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