15.minute daily fitness training program: Week 4 day 7: Exercises for when you have a bad back
Hi! My husband has been following my antics with my fitness program with considerable amusement under a long time, and while he is interested in the exercises, he suffers from a bad back since an operation gone wrong 5 years ago and therefore cannot do most of them. So I made up a program especially for him and thought I would share that. Mind you: this is NOT a program to help you overcome your bad back. This is a program that you can (possibly) DO with a bad back. Backs are individuals just like we are. What works for him might not work for you. Try out each exercise and see how it feels. You are the best judge of your back and what you can and cannot. Experiment; try out variations; if something is too hard, try an easier version, if something seems too easy, put on weights rather than add repetitions, is my advice. Equipment needed : when you are trying it out, only a towel and a yoga mat . Once you have found out some exercises that you like, you might like to t...