Product Review: Slimming and Firming Cream

Hi! Last year I bought this Slimming and Firming and breast cream (strange combi I thought at first but it is meant to firm saggy skin, so that would be the reason).

At first I tried it on my main frustration which is my belly. But then I bought the Ab Gymnic belt exerciser and you can't judge if a product is working if you are testing two at the same time! So I use the belt on my belly instead, and I started using the cream on my hips. Even if you are exercising, when you are older your body starts to sag, so that even if you are the same weight you were 10 years before, your middle may have expanded. Just a fact of life. So I noticed that although I am pretty slim the little "wings" at the top of my legs where it goes over to my backside had started developing again. Many years ago, after my first pregnancy, I used my own Slimming and Firming cream (with essential oils and herbal extracts) and had a really fine result, so I decided to give it a try again with this cream. I am satisfied to see that after about 4 months (yes, it takes patience, but I sometimes forget or am in a hurry) I am starting to see results. No, I am not putting out a pic of my backside on Internet! But it is working. The first thing I noticed about this cream is that it is decidedly fat.

I use body butter for dry skin but that disappears after a few minutes. Not this cream, it is truly moisturizing and it needs time to massage it in, which is good. I don't have much cellulitis but the little I had is totally gone, the skin is firmer and the wings have gotten smaller. I will definitely continue to use it and buy it when it is finished. Haven't tried it on my breasts :) !
This product is no longer available via TripleClicks and they do not have any alternative slimming cream either. If you are interested just contact me at and I will contact the seller directly.


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