Healthy nutrition: what's the best foods for weight loss
Hi! Today I had a colleague who asked me how I manage to stay so thin. It is not the first time I have had this question and I thought it might be interesting to take it up here. Obviously, staying at the same weight is a matter of balance. I probably actually go up and down a little in weight like everyone else, but I do not realize it. I have had times when I was a few kilos up or down from my current weight which is somewhere around 65 kg. At my 1.80 m this is just fine. I do not want to lose weight. I would like to add muscle. I am not the least concerned about my weight, factually. I am interested in my body fat content, not my weight in kilos. >(or lbs). But isn't it ironic? When I put on weight it goes on to my "jellybelly" and my hips. When I lose weight (last year I was very stressed and got down to 62 kg which is too little for me) I lose it from my face and my arms and legs, and the stubborn fat on my belly and hips stays. Sigh. So now everyone ...