15 minute exercise training fitness program Week 3 Day 5: Top ten Ball exercises
I know, it has been a few days. But finally the promised ball exercises!! There are literally hundreds of ball exercises, but I have picked the most challenging ones, the ones that target multi muscle groups. And believe me, I was having a ball! So was my family, who was laughing their head off at my antics. This must have been one of my most interesting programs.
For today's program you are going to need: ankle & wrist weights, extra weights, and a ball.
1. Sit-ups on the ball. Sit on the ball with your feet on the ground and keep your balance. Lie down carefully and come up again. 30 reps if you can make it, otherwise work your way up.
2. Push-ups on the ball with one leg out. Believe me this is hard to do. I suck at push-ups; having to also keep one leg out AND hold your balance on the ball is a real challenge. Thirty reps. You can either alternate or do 15 each. My 15 year old photographer son did not catch me at the right moment here but it is better than nothing:

3. Overhead ball lifts. Lie on your back. Grab the ball between your feet. Lift the ball overhead, take it in your hands, and swing it over your head and place it on the ground. Pick it up again, bring it up over your head, grab it with your feet, and place it carefully on the ground. Repeat 30 times. You need some agility for this, but it is a really fun exercise.
4. Ball brace with squat and arm lift. Put the ball against a wall and keep it there with your back. While holding the ball braced against the wall, do squats combined with a frontal lift of the extra weights. Not terribly difficult, but after some reps you start feeling it.

5. Balance act! Lie on the ball on your stomach and balance. Now we do lateral (side) lifts with the extra weights, bringing them from the ground up to shoulder height, while also bringing up the legs and trying to keep your balance. Challenging, but possible! You will involve muscles you didn't know you had!
7. Ball over sideways. Lie on your back with the ball to your left. Pick it up with both your hands and your knees and bring it over to your right side. Repeat 50 times (this is not too heavy compared with the other exercises. Why am I laughing? You'll find out, read on.
So why was I laughing in the picture? Because I was unable to do the two most challenging exercises and did cartwheels to the enormous delight of my photographing son and my husband. I didn't hurt myself, but my son was impatient to get on so we left it at that. So no pics. But certainly have a go at it! Be careful though that you don't hurt yourself.
9. Ball cycle. Lie on the ball on your back. Put your hands behind and under you on the floor. Make a plank by lifting your legs so you are balancing on the ball and your hands under you. Now try cycling your legs (haha).
10. Pull-ins.Lie down on your stomach, now raise your upper body and stretch your arms. Place your feet on the ball, and alternate between a straight body and drawing the ball and your knees in towards your chest. In my case we have the largest size ball available, this might have been doable for me with a smaller ball. Anyways I will certainly try again.
I know, it has been a few days. But finally the promised ball exercises!! There are literally hundreds of ball exercises, but I have picked the most challenging ones, the ones that target multi muscle groups. And believe me, I was having a ball! So was my family, who was laughing their head off at my antics. This must have been one of my most interesting programs.
For today's program you are going to need: ankle & wrist weights, extra weights, and a ball.
1. Sit-ups on the ball. Sit on the ball with your feet on the ground and keep your balance. Lie down carefully and come up again. 30 reps if you can make it, otherwise work your way up.
2. Push-ups on the ball with one leg out. Believe me this is hard to do. I suck at push-ups; having to also keep one leg out AND hold your balance on the ball is a real challenge. Thirty reps. You can either alternate or do 15 each. My 15 year old photographer son did not catch me at the right moment here but it is better than nothing:

3. Overhead ball lifts. Lie on your back. Grab the ball between your feet. Lift the ball overhead, take it in your hands, and swing it over your head and place it on the ground. Pick it up again, bring it up over your head, grab it with your feet, and place it carefully on the ground. Repeat 30 times. You need some agility for this, but it is a really fun exercise.
4. Ball brace with squat and arm lift. Put the ball against a wall and keep it there with your back. While holding the ball braced against the wall, do squats combined with a frontal lift of the extra weights. Not terribly difficult, but after some reps you start feeling it.

5. Balance act! Lie on the ball on your stomach and balance. Now we do lateral (side) lifts with the extra weights, bringing them from the ground up to shoulder height, while also bringing up the legs and trying to keep your balance. Challenging, but possible! You will involve muscles you didn't know you had!
6. Bridge on the ball. Lie on your back, put your feet on the ball, and lift up your middle body until it forms an almost straight line. Hold for a moment, really press the pelvis up to involve your abdominal muscles, and lower back down. Repeat 30 times. For a bigger challenge you can do one-legged bridges: extend one leg while doing the bridge.
7. Ball over sideways. Lie on your back with the ball to your left. Pick it up with both your hands and your knees and bring it over to your right side. Repeat 50 times (this is not too heavy compared with the other exercises. Why am I laughing? You'll find out, read on.
8. Push-ups. Lie on the ball on your stomach and do my personal non-favorite: push-ups. The further forward you can bring your body on the ball, the more challenging. If you can do it by balancing with your feet on the ball, you're a champion!
So why was I laughing in the picture? Because I was unable to do the two most challenging exercises and did cartwheels to the enormous delight of my photographing son and my husband. I didn't hurt myself, but my son was impatient to get on so we left it at that. So no pics. But certainly have a go at it! Be careful though that you don't hurt yourself.

9. Ball cycle. Lie on the ball on your back. Put your hands behind and under you on the floor. Make a plank by lifting your legs so you are balancing on the ball and your hands under you. Now try cycling your legs (haha).
10. Pull-ins.Lie down on your stomach, now raise your upper body and stretch your arms. Place your feet on the ball, and alternate between a straight body and drawing the ball and your knees in towards your chest. In my case we have the largest size ball available, this might have been doable for me with a smaller ball. Anyways I will certainly try again.
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