I just love my new body: how to get rid of belly fat for women
Yesterday morning I broke one of my own rules, which is to not do the same workout routine on consecutive days. I did this fabulous yoga workout from Boho Beautiful (love you guys!) on Tuesday and I almost managed to do it entirely. But not quite, I got stuck a bit on the plank. So to make things right I did it again and managed it in its entirety without pause. YOOHOO!!!! So that is worth a post I think.
I have lost about 0,5kg up to 1 kg (hard to determine) of belly fat in about 8 months.
I don't have a 6-pack yet, but I think if I keep going on I might get there. And this is how I did it:
I get up every morning at 6 am, unless it is weekend or day off when I get up at 8 or even 8:30, and I do a 10 or in the weekend 15 minute workout. Often I use yoga because I have a painful back and I feel it helps but it can also be a cardio workout, a full body workout, a core workout, Pilates workout or whatever I can find on Youtube. If the Internet is down again I just improvise. Depending on my mood I use weights, either ankle and wrist weights or 3 kg (6 lbs) dumbbells. If you don't have those, 2 water bottles will do.
Yeah? So what? Well I have been doing core workouts for like 30 years and never got rid of that stubborn belly fat. Even when I was running. Even when I was kickboxing 3 times a week. Best condition ever, but that little paunch did not disappear.
So what's the diff? Simple. Two rules:
1. The workout has to be at the top of what you can handle. If the exercise is easy, it's no good. You have to be panting like a horse after each exercise. You have to feel as if you're not sure you can manage the required reps. You have to keep reminding yourself that it is only 10 minutes, keep going, don't stop, don't give up, grind your teeth, strain, strain, two more, one more...
2. You have to vary the exercise. That is why going to the gym 2-3 times a week or running every other day often does not give the results you want. Yes, in the beginning you lose weight, you get in form, but then you plateau out. Whatever exercise you do, your body will get used to it. Your body wants homeostasis, which is an expensive word for balance or equilibrium. It does not want change! And although our bodies, especially women's bodies, love storing fat "for the bad times" (we are actually biologically programmed to do that!), when we go down in weight, or more correctly, when we start losing body fat, our bodies go into a total panic and try to somehow stop the loss.
Aha. Add to that that when you start breaking down fat, some substances called ketones are produced as a side product and those are kind of similar to acetone, and basically cause kind of a hangover, making you feel bad. That is why fast weight loss plans and diet plans to lose weight fast don't work. You'll just yo-yo back to your old weight as soon as you are finished.
No. If you want to get permanently rid of body fat (and especially that stubborn fat on the hips and belly) you need to make a life change. You need to do it slow, and you need to be consistent in being inconsistent. I didn't need to lose weight, but if you do, you'll also have to adapt your eating pattern. For more on that, click HERE. And here is an overview of the best foods to lose belly fat.
I have many workouts on this blog, just scroll down, there's about 5 full weeks of workouts. However I often use Youtube. Unfortunately there's a lot of junk out there. I get bored if the routine is not challenging enough. What I can recommend is: POPSugar, Boho Beautiful, HasFit and XHit Daily.
Yesterday morning I broke one of my own rules, which is to not do the same workout routine on consecutive days. I did this fabulous yoga workout from Boho Beautiful (love you guys!) on Tuesday and I almost managed to do it entirely. But not quite, I got stuck a bit on the plank. So to make things right I did it again and managed it in its entirety without pause. YOOHOO!!!! So that is worth a post I think.
I have lost about 0,5kg up to 1 kg (hard to determine) of belly fat in about 8 months.
I don't have a 6-pack yet, but I think if I keep going on I might get there. And this is how I did it:
I get up every morning at 6 am, unless it is weekend or day off when I get up at 8 or even 8:30, and I do a 10 or in the weekend 15 minute workout. Often I use yoga because I have a painful back and I feel it helps but it can also be a cardio workout, a full body workout, a core workout, Pilates workout or whatever I can find on Youtube. If the Internet is down again I just improvise. Depending on my mood I use weights, either ankle and wrist weights or 3 kg (6 lbs) dumbbells. If you don't have those, 2 water bottles will do.
Yeah? So what? Well I have been doing core workouts for like 30 years and never got rid of that stubborn belly fat. Even when I was running. Even when I was kickboxing 3 times a week. Best condition ever, but that little paunch did not disappear.
So what's the diff? Simple. Two rules:
1. The workout has to be at the top of what you can handle. If the exercise is easy, it's no good. You have to be panting like a horse after each exercise. You have to feel as if you're not sure you can manage the required reps. You have to keep reminding yourself that it is only 10 minutes, keep going, don't stop, don't give up, grind your teeth, strain, strain, two more, one more...
2. You have to vary the exercise. That is why going to the gym 2-3 times a week or running every other day often does not give the results you want. Yes, in the beginning you lose weight, you get in form, but then you plateau out. Whatever exercise you do, your body will get used to it. Your body wants homeostasis, which is an expensive word for balance or equilibrium. It does not want change! And although our bodies, especially women's bodies, love storing fat "for the bad times" (we are actually biologically programmed to do that!), when we go down in weight, or more correctly, when we start losing body fat, our bodies go into a total panic and try to somehow stop the loss.
Aha. Add to that that when you start breaking down fat, some substances called ketones are produced as a side product and those are kind of similar to acetone, and basically cause kind of a hangover, making you feel bad. That is why fast weight loss plans and diet plans to lose weight fast don't work. You'll just yo-yo back to your old weight as soon as you are finished.
I have many workouts on this blog, just scroll down, there's about 5 full weeks of workouts. However I often use Youtube. Unfortunately there's a lot of junk out there. I get bored if the routine is not challenging enough. What I can recommend is: POPSugar, Boho Beautiful, HasFit and XHit Daily.

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