10 min daily Fitness workout training program: first day Monday 18th Jan 2016
Remember the goal was 10 minutes daily the first 2 weeks. Each of these exercises should take approximately 1 minute.
This is the equipment I used:
Ankle weights 1 pound each;
Wrist weights 1 pound each;
Hand weights 2 pounds each.
(If you are on a very tight budget you can even use water bottles as weights.)
I also use a yoga mat and a towel, and make sure you have comfortable clothes and underwear.
Tip: I have the radio on to a station that plays 60's to 80's music. Play something that gets you moving.
These were what they played and I thought "YES!!":
Dolly Parton's 9 to 5
Queen's Another one bites the dust
Gloria Estefan's Conga
1. Twenty deep squats: stand with feet shoulder-width apart, sit down until your butt hits your ankles (if you cannot manage this without falling, grab something heavy to hold on to. If it is still too heavy, just see how far you can come down.) oh yeah, by the way, get up again ;). Good leg exercise.
2. Thirty can-can kicks: jump with one knee up, then jump up again while kicking out straight. Alternate legs and put some energy into it. Don't get it? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UUmRmzE6mM8. Good cardio and works the legs. Besides, it is really fun if you do it with some friends! Lotsa laughs!
3. Twenty full clams: start out lying flat out on the ground on your back. Bring your knees in and come up with your head and shoulders. Bring your legs back slowly to full-out flat position. Good abdominal exercise.
4. Twenty jump squats: start in the squat position, meaning standing with your feet hip-width apart and knees bent in a semi-sitting position. Jump up straight and land back in squat position. You will feel this in your quadriceps (the big muscle in front of your upper legs).
5. Twenty forward lunges combined with an arm exercise (I did overhead presses with 2-kg weights.) Start standing up straight. Take a big step forward and bend the other knee so your lower leg becomes parallel with the floor. At the same time, extend your arms with the weights straight upwards. Nice multi-muscle exercise for arms and legs.
By now you are probably panting. If not, put some energy into it!
6. One hundred (100) steps of hi-knee jogging in place. Doesn't sound like much but if you are wearing ankle weights every step counts!
7. Twenty sit-ups with a side twist: Lie down on your back with your knees bent at a 90 degree angle. Bring your upper body up to a sitting position, then twist your torso alternately to the left and right with each situp. Ab exercise, even better when you are holding weights in your hands.
8. Twenty squats with frontal arm lifts: While doing a normal squat, bring your arms with weights straight out in front of you to shoulder height. Bring arms back down when you come up out of the squat. Multi-muscle exercise. Needless to say the weights make the difference here.
9. (This exercise I suck at and absolutely hate.) Twenty standard push-ups! If you're a lady you will probably want to do knee push-ups instead of full-body push-ups. Go girl! USCH!
10. Now for a breather. Final exercise: the plank. Position yourself as in a full push-up, with your weight resting on your toes and your elbows. Count slowly from 60 back to zero. Way to go!
Yoga child's pose (sit on your knees, stretch your arms out in front of you on the floor)
Cobra pose (lie on your stomach and push your upper body off the floor with your arms), particularly for the abdominal muscles.
Now while lying on your stomach, straighten your legs, put your feet as flat on the floor as you can, and push your straight upper body off the floor until your arms and legs form approximately a triangle with the floor. This is called the downward facing dog position.
Bend over to touch your nose to your knees while having your legs straight, if you can.
Stretch your arm muscles by putting one hand on the opposite shoulder and pushing your arm backwards with the other hand; then put your arm across your upper body and press it with the other hand into your torso.
Stretch your quadriceps by standing up straight, taking one foot into your hand and pulling your leg close to your butt.
I will try to update with a new exercise program every day and add pics of the more complicated exercises.
Now for some wellness tips: don't forget to reward yourself for doing hard work!
I did it. Actually started. Here is the first day of my training program! Are you with me? Just try!
Are you following? (because if you are reading this blog, that is what you came for, didn't you? Or are you just building up courage/motivation/energy to start? Don't wait any longer!)
Remember the goal was 10 minutes daily the first 2 weeks. Each of these exercises should take approximately 1 minute.
This is the equipment I used:
Ankle weights 1 pound each;
Wrist weights 1 pound each;
Hand weights 2 pounds each.
(If you are on a very tight budget you can even use water bottles as weights.)
I also use a yoga mat and a towel, and make sure you have comfortable clothes and underwear.
These were what they played and I thought "YES!!":
Dolly Parton's 9 to 5
Queen's Another one bites the dust
Gloria Estefan's Conga
1. Twenty deep squats: stand with feet shoulder-width apart, sit down until your butt hits your ankles (if you cannot manage this without falling, grab something heavy to hold on to. If it is still too heavy, just see how far you can come down.) oh yeah, by the way, get up again ;). Good leg exercise.
2. Thirty can-can kicks: jump with one knee up, then jump up again while kicking out straight. Alternate legs and put some energy into it. Don't get it? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UUmRmzE6mM8. Good cardio and works the legs. Besides, it is really fun if you do it with some friends! Lotsa laughs!
4. Twenty jump squats: start in the squat position, meaning standing with your feet hip-width apart and knees bent in a semi-sitting position. Jump up straight and land back in squat position. You will feel this in your quadriceps (the big muscle in front of your upper legs).
5. Twenty forward lunges combined with an arm exercise (I did overhead presses with 2-kg weights.) Start standing up straight. Take a big step forward and bend the other knee so your lower leg becomes parallel with the floor. At the same time, extend your arms with the weights straight upwards. Nice multi-muscle exercise for arms and legs.
By now you are probably panting. If not, put some energy into it!
6. One hundred (100) steps of hi-knee jogging in place. Doesn't sound like much but if you are wearing ankle weights every step counts!
7. Twenty sit-ups with a side twist: Lie down on your back with your knees bent at a 90 degree angle. Bring your upper body up to a sitting position, then twist your torso alternately to the left and right with each situp. Ab exercise, even better when you are holding weights in your hands.
8. Twenty squats with frontal arm lifts: While doing a normal squat, bring your arms with weights straight out in front of you to shoulder height. Bring arms back down when you come up out of the squat. Multi-muscle exercise. Needless to say the weights make the difference here.
9. (This exercise I suck at and absolutely hate.) Twenty standard push-ups! If you're a lady you will probably want to do knee push-ups instead of full-body push-ups. Go girl! USCH!
10. Now for a breather. Final exercise: the plank. Position yourself as in a full push-up, with your weight resting on your toes and your elbows. Count slowly from 60 back to zero. Way to go!
Now it is time for some calm music.
Suggestion: Con te partir'o
You have survived the workout, now it is time for all-important stretching (yeah, you thought you were finished. Almost!!! Keep it up!) Stretching is important to prevent muscle pains and injuries. Suggestions after this workout:
Cobra pose (lie on your stomach and push your upper body off the floor with your arms), particularly for the abdominal muscles.
Now while lying on your stomach, straighten your legs, put your feet as flat on the floor as you can, and push your straight upper body off the floor until your arms and legs form approximately a triangle with the floor. This is called the downward facing dog position.
Stretch your arm muscles by putting one hand on the opposite shoulder and pushing your arm backwards with the other hand; then put your arm across your upper body and press it with the other hand into your torso.
Stretch your quadriceps by standing up straight, taking one foot into your hand and pulling your leg close to your butt.
I will try to update with a new exercise program every day and add pics of the more complicated exercises.
Now for some wellness tips: don't forget to reward yourself for doing hard work!
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