10-minute fitness training program first week day 2
It was a bit hard to get up the motivation today but muscle soreness helped.
So here is what I did today. Are you following? Tips: being thirsty before exercise is not good, but having a bellyful of water isn't either. These training passes are so short you do not actually need to drink during. Just after.
Ankle weights 1 lbs each
Wrist weights 1 lbs each
Weights 2 kg each (4 lbs)
Yoga mat
Okay! Here we go! Since the weather out here looks like this today:
It was a bit hard to get up the motivation today but muscle soreness helped.
So here is what I did today. Are you following? Tips: being thirsty before exercise is not good, but having a bellyful of water isn't either. These training passes are so short you do not actually need to drink during. Just after.
Ankle weights 1 lbs each
Wrist weights 1 lbs each
Weights 2 kg each (4 lbs)
Yoga mat
Okay! Here we go! Since the weather out here looks like this today:
So I decided to skip the cardio running and just do inside exercises.
10 exercises at around 1 minute each, and then a stretch. Promise I will come up soon with more pics of the exercises.
1. Yeah, let's start with the worst one, to get it over with. I hate this one. Ten clap push-ups: ready for an ordinary push-up. but then after having pushed up, push yourself entirely off the floor and clap your hands before landing on your hands again. Yeah, you will get the hang of it. OOOFFFF.
2. Twenty Tricky Cat with weights: this is my own variation of the Yoga position. Position yourself on hands and knees, have your weights ready. Stretch out your left arm (with the weight) and at the same time kick out your right leg until it is at a straight angle to your body. Don't hurry through this one! Make it work. Then alternate arms and legs. Good multi-muscle exercise. Remember to keep breathing.
3. Ten Belly shoves. Lie on your back, knees bent at 90 degrees. Tilt your pelvis towards your navel and while holding this tension, push out your legs until they are almost straight and not touching the floor! Excellent lower abdominal exercise. Also gets your breath back.
4. Twenty alternate leg jump squats. Start in a lunge position with your left leg forward and your knees bent at an 90 degrees. Jump up and change legs while you are in the air so that your right leg comes down in the forward position. Jump again and alternate.
5. Just to get rid of the muscle soreness from yesterday's squats: Twenty squats with overhead arm lifts with weights.
6. Twenty Jumping Jacks. Not a big challenge, but remember your weights! If you are not panting by now, you have not been putting your soul into it.
7. Twenty hip rolls: lie flat on your back. Put your legs straight up in the air, use your hands under your back as a support, and lift your lower body straight up in the air. Keep legs straight.
8. Almost there! This is a more complicated exercise based on a ballet routine (yes, I did that too.) These are leg exercises combined with arm exercises.
a. Front leg lift (alternate legs) while at the same time doing overhead arm presses with weights.
b. Side kick (leg lift) while at the same time lifting weights with the arms to the side (lateral arm lift).
c. Backwards leg lift while doing a double bicep curl (lift up weights using only the upper arm keeping the elbow in the same place).
Repeat 12 times. This combi will keep you busy for about 2 full minutes. Take your time.
9. Ten wide-leg plies with bicep curl. Place your feet in a wide stance, but so your feet are still comfortably firm on the floor. Bend your knees without sticking your butt out, with a straight upper body, while doing a double bicep curl with the weights.
10. Finally the last one! Balance out with a couple of tricep curls (20 or so). Stand with your left leg forward in a lunge position or you can even kneel on one leg. Balance your left arm on the leg. Stretch out your right arm behind you with the weight until it is straight and can't go further. Repeat 10 times then change arms.
You have made it! Believe me how good I was feeling after this workout! Now for the stretch see yesterday's post. Pay particular attention to the arm stretches.
This time I just had on a sweaty T-shirt and leggings that needed washing, no pictures please. But it helps my motivation to have nice new training clothes like the Yoga set I received for Christmas from my kids! Mine is a FIFA set that came from Panama and is not on sale online, unfortunately. But there is a plethora of training apparel online.
Keep on reading, I will try to come up with a nice new program every day (and other health & fitness items, such as food, food supplements, weight loss items and other health issues, drop me a note if you are interested in something in particular!).

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